Nutritional Kinesiology

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Kinesiology & Nutrition

The cornerstone of a healthy lifestyle are the foods we choose to fuel and nourish ourselves with. These will not only impact physical growth and recovery but emotional and mental health as well. The importance of a healthy, balanced diet cannot be understated. But, with so much conflicting information out there, it can be daunting to determine which food choices are best for us, let alone in what amounts, combinations and at what times. Your session would begin with an interview to access your current diet as well as any supplements and/or medications you may be on. If you have recent blood work results, we look at those too. Nutritional Kinesiology is a study of how the different points on the surface of the body relate to the state of health and to the flow of energy in each and every organ and function of the body. Kinesiology is performed by muscle testing while applying pressure on these points. Kinesiology can also be used to help determine dosage for supplements.

All of this, together with our test results, help us create a health and wellness program specific to your lifestyle, goals and needs. As the body detoxifies and gains strength, modifications to your plan may be necessary. Therefore, monthly follow-ups are recommended for the first 6-months.

  • $115 for an hour session

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