Energy Healing

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Reiki is the universal life force energy which flows through all living things and balancing the energy is believed to improve just about any aspect of life, from physical health to emotional well-being to stress reduction and mental clarity. Reiki is for everyone. It heals adults, babies, toddlers, children, elderly and pets. It relieves discomfort, calms, reduces stress, and provides deep relaxation, comfort & peace. Boosts and improves the immune system. Reiki is an increasingly popular holistic modality that is safe for anyone to have done and unique in the way it heals. Most come away from the experience feeling deeply relaxed, less stressed and with an overall sense of wellbeing. Reiki offers relief during emotional distress and sorrow & helps in the grieving process. It cleans and clears the emotions from being so draining and offers perspective and spiritual clarity. Each of us has seven chakras or main energy centers starting with the Root Chakra at the base of our spine or tailbone, Sacral Chakra at the lower abdomen, Solar Plexus Chakra at the upper abdomen, Heart Chakra at the center of the chest, Throat Chakra at the throat, Third-Eye Chakra at the forehead between the eyes, and the Crown Chakra at the top of the head. Because of the stresses of everyday life, our chakras often become blocked or imbalanced and when this occurs, our energies cease to flow as freely and harmoniously as they should. By unblocking and rebalancing these, we are able to achieve a stronger body/mind/spirit connection that affords the sense of focus and lightness many report after a Reiki session. During yours, you will be brought into a tranquil environment and asked to lie down. A calming frequency will be playing softly in the background to help stimulate our session. I will then place my hands just above or on you to establish a connection between the two of us. Doing so allows me to channel my healing energies into you, which in turn combine with yours to help your body focus on its own natural healing abilities.

$115 for the hour

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